Durable Medical Equipment from Advanced Physical Medicine is medical equipment used to aid in a better quality of living for their clients at home.

Durable Medical Equipment in GilbertTENS Unit

The T.E.N.S stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. It is an electronic method of controlling pain. Orginally developed in the early 1970′s, it has been refined into a more compact unit that is easy to use. It works by delivering mild electrical signals through the skin to underlying nerve fibers to alter the perception of pain.

T.E.N.S. Garment

A conductive garment used with the T.E.N.S. unit to treat a joint or larger site of pain such as the entire lower back region.

Lumbar Sacral Orthotic (LSO) = Low Back Brace

The lower spine carries all the weight of the head and torso, making it the most common site of back pain. Lumbar braces are widely used for the purpose of safe, immediate pain relief and support that is needed to restore functional mobility.
At Advanced Physical Medicine we offer a LSO which has a
state-of-the-art tightening mechanism that makes it easy to achieve optimal compression of the lumbar spine. The low-profile fit and its ventilated support system automatically conforms to your body for a comfortable fit.

Cervical Traction Collar = Neck Traction Brace

Uses for this device include: Muscles spasms, Pinched nerves, Herniated discs, Fibromyalgia, Spondylitis, Radiculopathy and
Narrowing foramen. The unique design of this comfortable and easy to use cervical traction/stretch device elongates neck muscles and separates cervical vertebrae, often resulting in rapid and prolonged relief from the soreness and irritation that accompanies cervical (neck) problems.
Gentle, intermittent traction exercises the neck muscles increasing circulation. Firm, static traction lowers the pressure between vertebrae, freeing pinched nerves and easing herniated discs.