Just like the traditional generation and baby boomers did not know about the dire consequences of tobacco, and generation X was unaware of the harmful health effects of processed food, generation z is getting significantly affected by technology, but isn’t really aware of the harmful effects, yet.

While the harmful effects of technology are wide-ranging and can be classified into various categories, this article is specifically dedicated to text neck; the new buzzword in the health industry.

What is Text Neck?

Text neck is a health condition that is increasingly becoming common in today’s world, especially among the younger generation.

Caused by poor posture and unnatural positioning of your neck for extended periods of time, which happens while using mobile devices, particularly cell phones, text neck is a physical ailment that affects the muscles of the neck, back, and shoulders.

According to healthcare experts, most of the people keep their necks forward and in a downward facing angle while using cell phones, which puts serious strain and stress on the muscles in the neck, across shoulder blades, and in the upper back.

According to Kenneth Hansraj, a leading spinal and orthopedic surgeon and the chief of spine surgery at the New York Spine Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine, the more we tilt our heads forward, the more stress we put on our cervical spine. Even if you spend two to four hours a day bent over a cell phone, you are putting around 700-1400 hours of excess stress on your cervical spine in a year.

The effects of text neck can range from discomfort and pain in neck to permanent damage to the spine.

Symptoms of Text Neck

Here are some of the common signs and symptoms of text neck:

  • Pain in neck and upper back that can range from mild to chronic
  • Instant pain in the neck and shoulders when using mobile devices
  • Inflammation of the muscles, nerves, and ligaments of neck
  • Headache that can be chronic or sporadic
  • Permanent arthritic damage
  • A permanent increase in the curve of the spine

Available Treatments for Text Neck in Chiropractic Care

The treatment of text neck can vary across patients, depending on the severity of the condition and how long the patient has been suffering from it.

To find out the right treatment plan for you, the first step is to consult a chiropractor. Here are some of the chiropractic care treatment options for text neck:

  • Physical therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Spinal alignment
  • Strength exercises
  • Spinal manipulation

Text neck is quickly becoming a huge concern, especially among the young generation. Since it can have negative effects on health and can also severely reduce your productivity, it is important to take preventive measures and limit the use of mobile devices because as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. However, if you are already affected by it, contact an expert chiropractor to get it treated.


Just like the traditional generation and baby boomers did not know about the dire consequences of tobacco, and generation X was unaware of the harmful health effects of processed food, generation z is getting significantly affected by technology, but isn’t really aware of the harmful effects, yet.

The article discusses text-neck; a physical ailment that is increasingly becoming common among the young generation.

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